April 2023 Digest

A one-off guest star shows up to ruin all our lives.

We’re not even going to ask if you remember Pepper Sweeney, because you don’t. We’re also not going to remind you who he was in the context of the show, because it’s not worth discussing. We WISH we didn’t have to tell you why we’re mentioning him at all, because it’s (a) so stupid and (b) all ends up getting cancelled out before the month of April is out, but the short version is: some goober comes on the podcast to make a bunch of unsubstantiated claims that are so outrageous they have to bring on the person about whom said claims were made, possibly so that they don’t get sued. In the middle, they talk about some episodes of the show, and to David Gail, who was on the show for both a one-off S01 character AND in a S04 arc as Stuart Carson and STILL ends up sounding like he is bored…by himself. We are really giving you your high roller money’s worth by covering EIGHT episodes of Jennie and Tori’s podcast 9021OMG. That’s two-thirds of a damn dozen!

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