July 2022 Digest

A couple of show recaps, a somewhat timely interview, and some fans. Summer!

Even with the show taking off the 4th of July, we get five episodes, siiiiiigh. Everyone is way too excited about the Dylinner Child episode. No one is excited ENOUGH to be chatting with Michael Anthony “Jordan Bonner” Rawlins, FINALLY. Everyone is appropriately excited about the end of Brandon’s gambling-addiction storyline, FINALLY. And then: they turn the mic over to the fans! We get an entire episode of fans on either side of the Team Kelly/Team Brenda divide sharing their views, apparently not vetted in advance. And then, so that Tori doesn’t feel slighted, that’s followed by a whole episode of just Donna fans calling in; Jennie didn’t feel like showing up for that one, and who can blame her. How did Tori get a job on her dad’s show? If you didn’t remember the story the 40 other times it’s come up on the podcast, July’s last 90210MG is for you. But please, don’t actually listen to it: we’ve listened to all of them for you and tell you everything you need to know in the latest Again With Them, our digest of the highlights and lowlights from July!

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