May 2024 Digest

We're not asking why we only got three podcast episodes this month. We're just writing about it in our gratitude journals.

Both Jennie AND Tori have now added solo IHeart podcasts to their schedules, which may be why there not only aren’t any bonus interview episodes in May; they also actually take Memorial Day off. MissSpelling and I Choose Me: bad for culture, but good for us. So it’s a pretty chill on-ramp into Season 6 of Beverly Hills, 90210 as we learn what Tori and Jennie think of Ginger (though maybe not with perfect candor, since Amy surprises them both by having her portrayer, Elisa Donovan, join Amy in her home for the season premiere recap episode); Tori raises questions about Brandon’s sexuality (or lack thereof?); storage units provide a shockingly rich vein for discussion; and Dave Koz catches strays. Back away from 9021OMG and listen to us tell you everything you need to know instead!

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  • 📅 Published May 31, 2024