October 2022 Digest

Welcome to the college years. Brace for Amy sorority stories.

90210MG has arrived at the California University era. If you think that Brenda’s refusal to engage with collegiate life in either of the two states where she is enrolled in classes has all three co-hosts slavering at the chance to criticize Shannen Doherty: you’re right! On the other hand, you’d think the job of “superfan” Amy would be, in part, to curb Tori and Jennie’s urge to crush on actual sex criminal John Sears, but you’d be wrong. Along the way, we get pop-ins from Wendy Benson-Landes (Darla), Rachel True (Jan, another Minnesota classmate), and some random 25-year-old who just checked out 90210 for the first time right before hopping on mic — and started with S04.E04, as anyone would (what?). We tell you everything you need to know about this month’s unconscionable EIGHT episodes in our October digest!

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  • 📅 Published November 3, 2022