Kelly spent all of “I’m Back Because” — well, all except when she was making eyes at Dylan — getting between her mother and her grandfather, to make sure her grandfather’s legally documented wishes with regard to the end of his life were being followed. So naturally, in this episode, all Jackie has to do is call and ask Kelly to put her failing grandfather on a ventilator for Kelly to utterly disregard her legal responsibility. It seems to be mostly so that she has something to do this week — specifically, feel real bad. And also guilt Matt about his smoking. Gina decides there’s no point continuing to try to break up Donna’s relationship so she can snatch Noah up for herself as long as Dylan’s around, kissing up to him with pizza and beer and trying to get details on why things between him and Kelly fell apart. Dylan barely has time to bother negging her given his busy schedule of mooning over the car his late wife was killed in. Steve continues struggling with the challenge of behaving appropriately in response to Samantha’s later-in-life coming-out, though Steve’s not the only one: the tabloids have gotten the story and there are repercussions for her career. Finally: if you thought Kelly’s resignation from the Clinic meant we’d be done seeing gangsters trying to fix the lives of disadvantaged Angelenos, you didn’t predict Donna’s new job running a fashion boutique would throw her in the path of an actual teen-girl gangster with some truly cutting critiques for Donna’s designs. We’re discussing “The Following Options” on our latest podcast!
- 📅 Published September 25, 2018
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