Psychic Friends

A Capeside fun fair does NOT offer fun for all.

Dawson has a new teacher for film class, and (presumably) unlike Mr. Gold, she has an actual track record: Nicole Kennedy (Mรคdchen Amick!) is in town on sabbatical to write a screenplay and is just teaching as a lark? Also teaching as a lark: Mitch, who has apparently taken over Mr. Peterson’s course load. Dawson’s being as normal about it as he is able, but Mitch is not able to be normal about him, and bragged so much about his movie in the teachers’ lounge that Miss Kennedy asks Dawson about it. He’s excited…at first! Joey and Jack have fallen into the post-breakup friendship groove she and Dawson couldn’t quite manage. At the fair, he urges her to talk to another artist — a college freshman photographer named Colin — and he ends up being so taken with her beauty that he gets her to pose for him. Andie seeks a reading from a psychic at the fair, then wishes she hadn’t. And Jen tries to make a love connection for Grams and Whit, another vendor at the fair that Grams already knows — but is she ready to consider reopening that chapter? Spirit is telling us you will enjoy our episode on “Psychic Friends”!
