Over Dick’s Dead Body

Kyle joins Taylor to check out Los Angeles, and the man whose imprisonment brought Taylor there loses hope for his freedom.

Peter tells Amanda it doesn’t matter what the cops think about Beth’s demise, or what her diary said: he definitely did euthanize her. Amanda’s not bothered, nor is Det. Wylie when she confronts him about knowing all along that Peter had been exonerated: he’s feeling good about the case now that Kimberly is in the wind. For…about ten minutes, until Michael finds her walking down the street. Kimberly admits that she can’t talk to the cops about the night of Bobby’s death because she doesn’t remember what she was doing. When Amanda’s newest tenant, Taylor, is surprised by the arrival of her husband Kyle in the city, she has to start doing some fancy footwork to convince him that she really just came on a lark but that now she thinks they should leave the running of their Boston restaurant to the guy who’s handling it now, and open a second location in Los Angeles. He agrees, and is not remotely suspicious about how quickly she finds them a great apartment in a complex with a pool! But Amanda is keeping an eye on Taylor and how overly familiar she is. Samantha is starting to worry about Jane’s erratic behavior, and begs Sydney to help calm her down. But when Sydney brings Jane to the site of Richard’s burial to prove that he’s still in the hole they dug, a ransom demand left in the shallow grave puts them both on edge. Matt can’t even question why Sydney’s photocopying cash because he’s only in Michael’s office to steal his prescription pad and refill his DEXEDRINE supply. Alison and Jake are still having fun boning in secret, but she feels they could save a lot of hassle if she moved out of the complex, and everyone is taking it very seriously. We hope you will get your life from our podcast on “Over Dick’s Dead Body”!
