The Daughterboy

The show's most tortured love quadrangle manages to get even more nonsensical.

Megan still loves Ryan. Michael still loves Megan. Ryan’s trying to convince himself Megan is a lost cause, but he still loves her too. NO ONE loves Lexi. Yet somehow these four idiots refuse to figure out their whole situation. Michael, at least, has the excuse of bigger fish to fry: having bought in as a board member at the hospital, Dr. Shulman is still bringing the draconian cost-cutting spirit to the new worker’s co-op and driving everyone crazy. Michael gets the idea to redirect her with someone who can engage in a little sex-spionage. Who? The answer may surprise you! Amanda’s pledge to cut back on work is a distant memory as she charges hard after Tony Marlin, whose cruise company could be a huge account for her. Amanda and Megan are both fine with him flirting hard at them both, but it seems like he’s even more into brunettes: as soon as he gets one look at Eve, he’s laser-focused on getting Amanda to deliver her to him, basically, and Amanda’s determination to land the account — to the exclusion of paying any attention to Kyle — just shoves him into Jane’s path in Amanda’s absence. Call your dad later: we’ve got a podcast for you on “The Daughterboy”!
